Quote of the Day: Choose Wisely

Today’s quote of the day is courtesy of one of my favorite authors and life coaches, Martha Beck. Not only does she provide wonderful insights about life, but she’s usually quite hilarious about it. I am suscribed to her newsletter and blog, which includes receiving via e-mail a Quote of the Day everyday Monday thru Friday. Today’s quote is:

Once we’re willing to confront our emotional suffering, we begin making choices based on attraction instead of aversion, love instead of fear. Martha Beck

Often so many of our choices are based in trying to avoid pain, fear and discomfort, when the best choices are always made out of love. Unfortunately, making choices based on love doesn’t mean you won’t have to deal with pain, fear and discomfort anymore, it just means that when you do, you’ll have something bigger to get you thru; you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you are acting with courage and integrity. So next time you make an important life choice, ask yourself “Why am I really choosing this?”. If your answer begins with “Because I don’t want to…”, you may want to take a second and deeper look at your real motives for making that choice.

To find out more about Martha Beck, check out her website:
You can also find  an  archive of  her monthly column  for
O, The Oprah Magazine in www.oprah.com (search: Martha Beck)

Of Monsters and Other Fears

Most people are afraid of darkness at some point in their life, other people are afraid of darkness most of their life… and other people are just afraid of the light!

When we’re kids being afraid of the darkness usually just means we don’t want to turn the lights off at night. In the face of the uncertainty darkness represents, since we don’t know what we might run into when it’s dark, we start imagining the worst, making up stories in our minds about monsters or ghosts. Then, eventually, some day, as we grow older, we start realizing our fear is just a product of our imagination, and reality is the worst we might run into in the dark is a piece of furniture, which to be fair can be rather painful when we run into it with our pinky toe or our knee at just the right angle, yikes!

Regardless, once we’ve grown out of our fear of literal darkness, this fear doesn’t just disappear, it evolves. Continue reading

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