Look of the Day: Sweater Weather

I am officially the worst blogger in the world as I still haven’t finished editing my photos of Mexico…and I know you’re probably tired of reading my excuses reasons, but in my defense I have been very busy with a lot of last minute planning. Planning what? Well, for that you’ll just have to wait at least a couple more weeks to find out… but I promise it is goooood, and you’ll totally forgive me for relegating my blogger duties.

Now, not only have I not finished working on my travel photos, but I also haven’t been able to shoot any new Looks of the Day. However, last winter I shot several outfits with my dear Norma, including this, this and this, but for whatever reason I didn’t post this look at the time, which  it’s coming in very handy right now.

Finally, the weather is catching up here in Arizona, and as of yesterday I think we can officially call it sweater weather. So this post comes with perfect timing as my first sweater outfit of the season! Also, this is my first festive outfit of the season, you know, with the holidays quickly approaching and all. And oh this skirt, this lovely skirt…my love for it hasn’t faded, not even a little bit.

20130106-IMG_5322 20130106-IMG_5316 20130106-IMG_5310 20130106-IMG_5346 20130106-IMG_5311 20130106-IMG_5355Photos shot in January by Norma Ibarra from Lapir0.com

Sweater: from Nordstrom Rack – Skirt: Anthropologie

Clutch: H&M – Shoes: Carlos Santana – Belt: Loft

Thrifted Treasures

You know I love me some thrifted treasures every once in a while, and yesterday I scored a couple of them at a local Salvation Army store in North Vancouver. They are both bags, one being a cute little lady-like purse, and the other one a very 90’s small leather backpack. They were really lucky finds at $5 dollars each, and I’m so happy with them, I couldn’t wait to share them with you. So here I leave you with the photos. Stay tuned to find out how I’ll be styling them in future outfits.

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Made in Mexico

Había olvidado compartirles un pequeño pedazo de información que tal vez les sirva si viven en Hermosillo. Cuando tuve la sesión de fotos en Catedral y la plaza bicentenario (de la cual pueden ver los resultados aquí y aquí), una chava que andaba paseando por ahí se nos acercó para felicitarnos por el outfit y preguntar detalles acerca de él (que si era una sesión para una revista, de donde era la ropa que traia puesta, los accesorios, etc). Platicando con ella resultó que uno de sus hobbies era hacer pulseritas para vender, y nos mostró algunas que traía con ella. A mi me eeeencantaron, sobretodo porque ultimamente traigo obsesión por pulseritas delgaditas y delicadas, y no pude resistir comprarle un par. Por supuesto, ya que en la plática había salido que las fotos eran para mi blog, y que siempre publico donde compro cada pieza que uso en mis outfits, le prometí compartir su información con ustedes.
Las pulseritas cuestan $35 pesos y hay de todos colores. Yo escogí una plateada y una dorada, y las amo. Los dejo con la foto de las pulseritas y la info de su creadora.
Que tengan un lindisimo fin de semana!



Pulseritas trenzadas en plateado y dorado (las de lado derecho en la foto)
Hechas por Alexa Salazar, su número celular en México es 662-193-1186
Braided bracelets in siver and gold (on the right side of the picture)
Made by Alexa Salazar

I had forgotten to share a little piece of information that may come in handy for you if you happen to live in my hometown, Hermosillo, México. When I had the photoshoot there back in early January (you can see those photos here and here), a girl that was walking around the main plaza came up to those to compliment my outfit and ask details about it. In our conversation with her it turned out that one of her hobbies was making and sellong these cute little handmade braceletes, and she showed us a few that she had with her. I looooved them, especially because lately I’ve been obsessing over thin delicate bracelets, and I couldn’t help buying a couple of them from her. Of course, also in our conversation it had come up that the photos we were shooting were for my blog, and that I always share the details on where I buy everything I wear, I promised her I would share her information with you guys.
The bracelets are under $2 dollars (that’s right! A total steal) and she has them in every color. I went for a silver one and a gold one, and I love them. Here I leave you with a picture of the little bracelets, and the info of their creator.
Have a nice weekend!

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